Tuesday, 31 December 2013

Choosing the best photos

By shooting non-stop, as my nephew moves a lot, I have accumulated a LOT of photos. It takes a long time to narrow them down. 
Firstly, I look back at my contact sheets and write down which photos I like the look of and the ones that best fit my project brief.
I then go back through the contact sheets again, re-looking at the images I've jotted down, and pick my favourites from the favourites - usually these will be the best in terms of fitting my brief, and if I have any that I really personally like.
My next step is to then open each image on Photoshop, where I have a larger view of the photos, and then if I still like them, I'll edit them. 
After the edit, I'll decide if I think they're worthy of being used.
I will show my favourites in the next post.

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